How to install BVCP

Minimum Requirements

- Latest or at least a FreeBSD 12 installed onto your target machine with virtualisation capable amd64 architecture.
- Minimum 250MB of free space on /var/lib for the binaries
- Network interface


- Ensure that you do not have bridge and tap interfaces between number 300 - 900, (tap303, bridge550), BVCP will be use between 300 and 900 to not interfere other applications.
- Ensure that you have a network card that can be used as `Bridged` network or for more advanced setup check the `Configure NAT Network` from the menu.
- Ensure that /var/lib directory is writable and so /etc/rc.conf (file), /usr/local/etc/rc.d (directory), they are normally are.


    # 1) Log in to your FreeBSD Box and bring-up a root shell
        root@vmhost:~ #

    # 2) Download the latest release
        fetch or download manually from github page

    # 3) Extract the archive you have downloaded
        tar -xzvf release.tgz
        root@vmhost:~# tar -xzvf release.tgz
        x bhyve-webadmin/
        x bhyve-webadmin/utils/
        x bhyve-webadmin/API/
        x bhyve-webadmin/
        x bhyve-webadmin/Frontend/
        x bhyve-webadmin/.git/
        x bhyve-webadmin/Backend/
        x bhyve-webadmin/
        x bhyve-webadmin/Helper/
        x bhyve-webadmin/Helper/vmctl
    # 4) Enter and run
        cd bhyve-webadmin && ./
        root@vmhost:~# cd bhyve-webadmin && ./
        Installing BVCP into your FreeBSD Installation within seconds ...

        Press [CTRL] + [C] to Abort !

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        Bhyve Virtual-Machine Control Panel under FreeBSD
        [N] 2021-06-26 22:16:56 | application/vmserver/main.c | Initialising bhyve VM Server Application

        (+) The Software is producing pseudo filesystem scheme for virtual machines using symlinks
        Where to create metadata, iso_images, database, config, logs: (Does not need much space), default: [/vms]_>
    # 5) Enter a path (default: /vms) where some misc data placed,  but not for storing virtual disks!!
            (!) Admin Credentials recreated,
            - User: admin
            - Password: AXN3jtPt
        [N] 2021-06-26 22:28:00 | SW | Program exited gracefully...
        Installation Finished!
        Navigate: https://[your-ip]:8086

    # 6) Installation is should be done, please write down your initial credentials and try access at https://[your-ip]:8086
    # 7) Please log-in and manage your account settings, before creation of any VM, please ensure you have added Storage and Network for the VM.